Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

It's actually been the new year here for a few hours now, but I just woke up :)

20 years ago today, my parents got a neat New Year's gift: me! Yes, I really was born January 1st. Such luck has followed me throughout life leading up to my life now, which I couldn't ask for anything more. Well, maybe a small portable heater. Even in Spain it's a little cold. haha!

I do not have much of an idea for a Resolution per se, so I guess I'll just strive to be a happier person! Given the fact that I have depression (which is mostly subdued anyway), this is a step in the right direction!

Have an awesome day everyone!
-Claire S.

Oh, and a special shout-out to one of my best friends (and certainly my best guy friend) Devin for telling me happy birthday literally as I was waking up. Forever and always <3

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A Very Merry Christmas

So my friend Candice (the friend who I am staying with) asked me if I wanted to go back to her friend's house in Spain (the mainland, not Ibiza) for a little Christmas party. I said sure, of course, but I got waaay more than I thought I would.

I mean that in a good way. I actually got something that most people don't get in their lifetime: a Christmas Orgy!!

Yeah I couldn't think of a better way to introduce that. But it was super awesome and fun, and before you start saying I shouldn't do that and/or I'm a whore, you should probably know several things about sex and me:
1) I've been deathly afraid of it since I was about 16 and almost never do it
2) Sex is very healthy for you
3) I knew everyone there
4) I've been having anxiety problems recently which this totally helped to relieve
5) Regular or hard sex helps you in many ways, from stronger immune systems to healthier figures (both are useful given my profession and how health relates to it)
6) It can make you feel better, both physically and emotionally (the latter is especially helpful for a girl with depression)
7) Best of all, I'm happy about it!

And, if you really know me, you know I could easily triple that number of replies :)

And, on top of that, we all had an awesome meal (hours before, of course) and TONS of fun and laughter, mainly because we were with friends and having a good time (even excluding the awesome orgy). AND (I can just keep going haha) nothing went wrong! Like at all! No drugs, violence (well, maybe a little, but in a good way), alcohol...

...Really the only problem I have is I need to replace my awesome pink shirt again. I always get the exact same one because it is always the most comfortable shirt I have ever owned, but it never takes well to bodily fluids. I don't know why.

Amo! Y Feliz Navidad!!
Claire S.

PS Why is Google telling me to say happy birthday to people I don't know? Maybe they added me on G+, I don't know.

PPS Yes I speak Spanish too. I have to, along with the other languages I know well enough to communicate like a foreigner (which I am).

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Ok, this is way cool. I almost never check my blog overview, but check this out!
See, I do have a lot of friends all over the world! Ok, I know, a lot are probably just Google search mishaps, but still this is neat!

Ok, I'm done being an Internet noob now ;-)

Claire S.

I'm in Spain!!

Actually, I've been in Spain for a short while now and I'm settled down enough to write a blog post. :)

Why am I in Spain? Mainly so that I can go from this:
To this:
If you get my point.

I'm staying with a friend while I'm here, which will probably be... well, I guess the next flight from here to Prague when it's not cold and snowy. I can only imagine how much parking will be, though. I was stupid and parked Ferry in the Prague International parking area, so I'm totally expecting to pay several thousand Kc. I really want the Czech government to use Euros; it sounds better to use a few hundred euro than it does a few thousand koruna, doesn't it?

In other news...

So I was wrong again. It was mutual, but I broke up with my boyfriend. I love sex, but not that much, haha! We're still kinda together I think. I'm never entirely sure since I almost always end up being around who I break up with for a long time. Except for Morgan's brother, but let's not get into that.

Also, Spain is beautiful around Christmas time!! I mean, it's nothing like Prague (it's too awesome to talk about in one post), but I totally love it here! Maybe around Christmas I'll fly back to Prague with a few friends and I'll blog pictures. Though, that is really expensive because flights around that time are WAY expensive.

Interesting news: I'm not married. I said I was on Facebook for whatever reason, but believe me, I'm not. Probably Morgan messing with me... I am single, if you're into bi-sexual redhead model-musicians who travel a lot ;-) I can't imagine that's a large market, haha!

I guess that's really all I've got for now.

Claire S.

Monday, November 12, 2012

BTS Modeling

I'm getting complaints of people saying they haven't seen pictures of me around even though I say I'm working on shoots. I just want to set one thing straight: very little modeling is in front of the camera.

"Claire, that's all models do is look hot in front of a camera!" You obviously don't know the industry if you say that. Here is how a normal shoot goes, from start to finish: Have an idea/need for a model, find a model (usually a wannabe), measure him/her, audition him/her (by this point, out of 100 initial people, you might have 3 left if you are lucky), plan the shoot, make sure the model is okay with it, sign contracts, set up scene and equipment, shoot, and after that it's all post-production. I may have left a few things out.

So, where do I come in? One thing a lot of people forget is that the best way to get into an industry is to be an assistant. Of course, there are pros and cons to this, but it works. It helps to find an agency instead of just a small team because there's more to do. Legally, I am an advisor at MC. Actually, I am an assistant to everyday tasks who gets paid fairly cheaply and occasionally models. Morgan, on the other hand, works at the same place but is a photographer. Legally. You get my point.

What do we do? Help during setup, judge during auditions, but most of all get involved in what is going on. The more people we meet, the more connections we have, and the better chance we have of doing something other than picking up trash on a set. I've literally done... I think 4 shoots since I started working here. I've WORKED on about 50. The difference? Well for one, where you are in relation to the camera lens is proportional to your pay. Secondly, and most importantly, you meet people who can help you to your goal, mine being a VS model.

Let's talk about goals in this industry. I know I'm not tall enough and have too much visual bust and waist to be a VS model, but I keep aspiring to that. Why? Because it gives purpose. I could just as easily be a biochemist earning enough to replace Ferry every year, but I don't. I'm doing what I like. That should be your main goal: do what you want to do. My parents always frowned on me saying that, but it's true. There's no point in doing what you hate if you can be happy... if less financially secure.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

A New Leaf

There’s a new leaf upon the Tree
A thousand, thousand have been before
In the life of this great tree
Yet, the Tree rejoices, and is glad
For there is a New Leaf upon the tree

-Adrian Wait

My life has taken a turn for the better (for once, haha)! Well, I hope it's for the better. It didn't start well.

I met this guy (you know where this is going by now, I'm sure) at a club, and... to make the story short, I woke up with him, which is when I realized he was HOT! It was awkward for obvious reasons, but after he woke up we went to breakfast with Morgan, got to know each other better, and now we are dating!

I'm writing this the next morning, and I noticed something: I never got his name or anything! He knows where I live, and I know where he lives, but that's it.

Anyway, so he's a musician like me, and smart, too. He was thoroughly impressed by my choice of transportation (we travelled in Ferry after breakfast because Morgan had a date with a song) and my career. He actually said 'I think I love you' after we decided to jam in the studio for a while (me on violin, of course).

If you know me really well, you know I've had problems with men in my life. Hopefully there will me no problems. I hope I can be a happy tree with this new leaf having turned over. Figuratively, of course :)

Claire S.

PS yes, I love Adrian Wait, despite his overall darkness and unpopularity.

Friday, October 12, 2012

I'm Alive!!


So I have been neglecting... well, the Internet, really. I'm never on Twitter, haven't posted here in two months, and Facebook is, well, a mess anyway with all the app feeds, haha!

I have actually gotten emails from people asking if I'm okay or even alive (though if I was dead I don't know why you would email me...), and the answer is yes! Obviously, since I'm blogging...

I don't know, lately the last few months have really made my depression show. I've been unsure of stuff and made this exact face, :/ a lot. I think Ferry is the same because he's been having problems lately too. But, of course, with 2 kilometers of mile in him, any minor problem pretty much means disassembling the car.

I am just guessing, I can't stand waiting in automotive waiting rooms. I'd rather walk around town than do that, which is what I mostly did.

I've also been less active, which given my profession can be bad. Thankfully, all I eat is sandwiches and calorie equivalent foods (which is sad because I'm a good chef), so it wasn't much of an issue :)

But yeah, I'm okay, just... depressed. I talked to my mom about it and she said it could be due to either being away from home and close friends or the seasons. I'll blame both, but I hope it's not the last one. I have a close friend with a seasonal condition where he gets "bored yet lazy and can't find any kind of motivation for anything." :/

Claire S.

PS: I'll leave on a happy note.


(supposed to be a smiley over an eighth note)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Bartending for Dummies

So recently, my friend Morgan was offered a job as a bartender at a club. She accepted, knowing nothing of bartending (how she even got the offer is beyond me). I went with her her first night, since I used to be a bartender, and decided that I should write a little list of things to and not to do while tending the bar.

To Do:
1) Look happy and be friendly, but also be aware of everything.
2) You never know who will show up to the bar, so be ready for anything.
3) Try to match personalities with whom you are serving.
4) Know the drinks and how to make new ones. If you don't know, no one cares if you ask how to make something.

There's not much else that can be told without experience. For example, a lot of guys were at my bar because, though I hate to actually say it, I am beautiful. However, if they made any moves on me, I'd call security. I wouldn't put 'don't be too pretty' or 'have security close by' because not every guy wants the girl behind the counter.

Now, Not To Do:
1) Intimidate anyone. Again, be friendly, but wary.
2) Hit on anyone. I don't care how hot that guy/girl is, you have a job to do.
3) Leave the counter. This reason should be obvious.
4) Be stupid. If something is amiss, or something seems wrong, be smart about it.
5) Interfere with conflicts. If two guys want a bar fight, let them. Security will take care of it, or they will knock each other out. If a girl is being mistreated, tell someone if you think it's serious. This is all part of being smart. You don't want to get into any kind of danger.

I know I made bartending sound really dangerous, and I'll be honest, it can be. But usually, people are just wanting a drink, especially at clubs. Your job is just to serve drinks, nothing more ;-)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

In The US! But Not For Long...

So, if you have been following me on Facebook, you know I've been in the US since the 16th. And you also know that I had to extend my vacation because I still had a few states to visit. Well, by this point I have been to New York, Florida, Ohio, and California. I still need to visit a few people in other states, but I have two problems: 1) my "monetary resources" (as my dad said) are limited, and 2) the reason I only wanted to take a week was because I had a few contracts to fill this week, the next being -- you guessed it -- tomorrow. So right now I am in Palo Alto, CA, and I need to somehow get to Prague, CR and be ready to model in... 10 hours (I think, time zones are confusing me). It will probably take that long just to get to Prague.

So, what am I saying? Everyone in Texas, Tennessee, Southern California, Canada, Minnesota, and I forget where else right now, I am sorry!! Next time I have money and time, I promise to visit you all! Yes, Taylor family, even you guys <3

Claire S.

PS I am really surprised I didn't write in Czech. I usually do when I am stressed out. Maybe I've been here too long haha!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


So, I was talking to one of my best friends in America the other day and I realized something that I forgot that is very important: I totally forgot that I was supposed to go to America on the fifth!! And apparently I just so happen to have a shoot to help with (yeah, not even in front of the camera, so I do not know what I will be doing) spanning the 4th to 6th (I really hope they are kidding, this cannot even be a shoot, right?). Ugh...

I guess it is kind of okay, because cheap tickets will cost around 10,000 Kc, or 500 USD (I think) each, so I don't know if I will be able to anyway. We just spent a lot on Morgan's new car, and given that my financial situation is not as good as people seem to think, I do not see this happening any time soon :( I have great planning skills...

Sometime this month, though, I hope to do it. I've already told everyone we would be visiting, and they say it is okay (turns out my parents had a party planned, now I feel really bad!) and to tell them when I will be coming. Maybe after this shoot thingy whatever I can do it.

In case you are wondering, we wanted to go on the 5th because not only is it Morgan's birthday but because that is when we moved here to Europe (not in Prague yet).

In my defense, though, I have been really busy with work, as has Morgan. I guess we just lost track of time... Again, I'm sorry :(

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hi again!

Doslova jsem si uvedomil, ze jsem mel jen blog druhy den. haha! ...Sorry, I forgot to speak English here ;-)

So, I have awesome news!! As you know, I am a kind of freelance model, kind of being that I have an agency. I consider myself freelance, how is that? Well, I was told that if I can sell myself right, I can possibly move on to really big shoots, like... well, I don't know if this is true, but the words Victoria's Secret were mentioned.


This is huge for me. Not only is this the most prestigeous modelling position, it pays around I think $1,000,000 USD per year, if not more. I don't know what that is in Korunas, but I think I will like it :)

But, I don't see any promotions soon. I haven't been professionally modelling for very long, whereas most VS models have been at it for a long time. I have been modelling since I was around 14, but that was mostly with Morgan just because we had some crazy idea. Now, she's still shooting me a lot of the time, or at least telling the cameraman what to do (haha!), but we are doing real shoots that actually mean something.

I don't really know where I'm going with this. I've just been totally restless since my agent talked to me yesterday about where my career could go. It's actually 6 am now, and I've been playing guitar and Skyrim trying to calm myself. Now I'm to the point where at least I can type, haha!!

Sorry I have not posted anything on here in a while, but I know that I can't make the promise of, "I'll try to post mroe often' because that has never worked before. So, I will talk to you later! haha

Catch up with me on Facebook if you want more updates about me ;-)

Claire S.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Why does this keep happening?

Ever since I moved from the US, Morgan and I have been having major problems, and for some reason it keep happening on an almost monthly basis. First, we have problems getting the house. Then we get broken into. Then I end up in the hospital. But now, we're on a whole new, really bad, level.

Morgan, the normally keeps-to-herself, angel-to-adults girl, has gotten herself in jail.

I'm going to just skip the whole "Why is this happening to me" part and go on to say that I have no idea how the legal system works here. All we know is that someone told the police that she had murdered someone. Yeah. Murder. As far as I know, the police are just going on one lead, no evidence, so if this is anything like the legal system in the US, she'll be out, no problems (because, well, she hasn't killed anyone).

The only thing I can think of is when we were broken into, she did (I don't even know why) use some of her... um, weapons, to get him out. The robber guy was pretty messed up, but he wasn't dead I don't think. Maybe that guy got out of the hospital and possibly jail and is now trying to get revenge, I don't know.

Normally I don't bring up religion, but as a believer in God, I must ask: Why?

Monday, March 26, 2012

Dirty Secrets!

A random porn company actually emailed me (probably spam, but whatever) and asked me to fill out a questionaire. At first I deleted it, but when I told Morgan, she wanted to see it. We then carried on to do a dare in which not only do we both answer the questions, but I post the answers here. So, here you go! Here comes truth. Haha! WARNING: major sexual content.

On to the questions!

1: What's the hottest thing you have ever done?
Morgan: Fucked in a public park on a hot summer day, I definately want to do that again.
Me: I gave my boss a BJ

2: Have you ever been with a girl, and if not would you like to be?
Morgan: I have been with a girl...
Me: Yes I have been with a girl

3: Do you prefer girls, boys, or both?
Morgan: Guys, duh...
Me:I like boys

4: What is your favorite car?
Morgan: BMW
Me: Mercedes*

5: What is your hottest sexual fantasy?
Morgan: Um... seriously? Foursome, I guess.
Me: To have my best girlfriend eat me

6: What kind of music do you like?
Morgan: Metal, Pop and almost any other kind of music
Me: I like all kinds of music

7: How often do you masturbate?
Morgan: WTF? ...3 times a week
Me: Whenever I am feeling horny

8: What is your favorite thing to do / hobbies ?
Morgan: Bike, relax, and reading books, play games.
Me: I like to swim, dance, and make music

9: How often do you like to have sex?
Morgan: Three times a week ;)
Me: All the time! >_<

10: What are your turn ons and turn offs?
Morgan: On: Dirty Talk, Off: Men who talk too much while in bed
Me: Turn ons: nice lips Turn offs: guys with big egos

11: Spit or swallow?
Morgan: Spit
Me: Swallow

12: Have you ever done anal sex and did you like it?
Morgan: No I have never done that.
Me: It hurt the first time I did it but I liked it. I'll definitely do it again

13: Do you normally wear panties or do you go without them?
Morgan: Yes I wear underwear all the time!
Me: I don't like to wear any

14: When did you get your first toy?
Morgan: Never...
Me: I was 17

So, there you go! Learn something you'd rather not? ...Me too. haha!

*Even though there should be way more footnotes, I chose Mercedes Morgan took BMW and because really I prefer slower cars. Ferry gets almost no actual use other than making us look awesome ;-)

Friday, March 9, 2012


...But it is totally possible.


Let me explain. Last night Morgan and I were hanging out in one of our favorite places (the club, of course), and some guy came up to us and said "That's hot." He said he thought we were a lesbian couple...

I will admit, we did go out for about... well, I think we have been for about 8 years now, on and off? haha!

:( I was going to upload various pictures and put somewhat witty caption to them describing our relationship, but Blogger won't let me. :(

But yeah, basically, no, we are not going out or married, we are just friends who happen to live together.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Some Shoots

So over the last few days, Morgan and I have done some awesome shoots. Well, I think they are awesome :) So, for the first shoot, which is actually the cover photo for our latest song with Morgan's boyfriend:
Wooow. If GIF slam exists, this is it. haha! Anyway, this is Morgan, surprisingly. Makeup and lighting ;-)

And here we had a shoot that I uh... well, I don't know what happened. I'm totally cool with rocky beaches, and also being on camera, and nude - Yes, I actually did a nude shoot - but I guess I can't do it all at once. It was awkward. I would post some shots because for the most part it's lit to be just my silouhette, but they aren't actually finished yet. And yes, I could wait until they are, but personally it wasn't a very good shoot.

 I was planning on posting two shoots, and I will, but it's not as new. In fact, it's pretty old, just never released. Remember this shoot?
Well, here's another shot from it:

Maybe next post I'll post something... maybe if I feel like it I'll even do the nude ones?

I'll end on a super-old shot (just don't look too closely at my shirt because uh... well, if you know me at all you know I pretty much never wear bras and a lot of my nicer shirts are... thin...):

Tuesday, February 7, 2012



I stole Morgan's camera ;-)

YES! As you can imagine, I am making music! On my piano, to be exact. Well, keyboard, because I don't have room for an actual piano. And yes, I am in fact up at the time of posting, so sorry if I make no sense.

Actually, you won't have to worry about that, because I totally forgot what this post was going to be about. Why am I even blogging? Maybe I should vlog...


So what was I talking about? Oh yeah, nothing.

Ok, I'll pose a question: If you play an instrument (well even if you don't), what's your favorite instrument?

Claire S.

PS - I've been asked to translate my posts because, well, some of my friends don't know English. Sometimes having friends in places like Russia and Greece is bad. So, if you need translations, I recommend Google :) can translate into whatever language you want!
Spanish: se puede traducir en cualquier idioma que quieras!
Croatian: moze prevesti na jezik sto zelite!
Czech: lze prelozit do jakehokoli jazyka chcete!
German: kann in das, was von Ihnen gewunschte Sprache zu ubersetzen!
Italian: si puo tradurre in qualsiasi lingua che vuoi!
Russian: можно перевести на любой язык вы хотите!
Greek: μπορεί να μεταφραστεί σε οποιαδήποτε γλώσσα θέλετε!
Slovak: mozno prelozit do akehokolvek jazyka chcete!
Swedish: kan aversatta till vilket sprak du vill!

Too bad I only know a couple of those languages. But, I think I covered everyone!! haha!

Oh, and PPS: This is just possibly interesting to anyone who doesn't know, my actual name (Veronica, not sure why people call me Claire, but now I do so it's ok) is pronounced Weronica. ;-)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

New Zealand shoot

I went to New Zealand Tuesday for a photoshoot. I was hoping to maybe check out Milford Sound...
Or camp in the mountains...
Or maybe even be this guy (except, well, as a girl, of course):
It would have at least been cool to hang on out the beach:
(Not in NZ) . Or at least walk around Auckland or something.
(Not really Auckland) But no. Turns out, I was more or less being sold to do a shoot with a company who just so happens to be in one of my favorite places on earth. Kreteni... At least the actual shoot was okay. I was told that it was for a home and garden kind of magazine, but there was literally no home or garden -- just stone.
This was actually just in prep. Believe it or not, this is under the dress you're about to see. Here are the actual shots:
My outfit actually fell apart here (synthetic materials... ugh), but I like the pose, so I'll just put a little black box on it ;-) But you know, to be completely honest, It actually felt kind of good to be in front of the camera with an exposed breast, hence the "I'm Hot And You Like It" look.Is that bad? I mean, I did... you know what, I'll just shut up. I have sexual problems, I know!! At least it's legal...
So much for a vacation in New Zealand. But, I think I broke speed records, going from Prague to Auckland, doing a shoot, and going back to Prague in 3 days!!