Sunday, October 21, 2012

A New Leaf

There’s a new leaf upon the Tree
A thousand, thousand have been before
In the life of this great tree
Yet, the Tree rejoices, and is glad
For there is a New Leaf upon the tree

-Adrian Wait

My life has taken a turn for the better (for once, haha)! Well, I hope it's for the better. It didn't start well.

I met this guy (you know where this is going by now, I'm sure) at a club, and... to make the story short, I woke up with him, which is when I realized he was HOT! It was awkward for obvious reasons, but after he woke up we went to breakfast with Morgan, got to know each other better, and now we are dating!

I'm writing this the next morning, and I noticed something: I never got his name or anything! He knows where I live, and I know where he lives, but that's it.

Anyway, so he's a musician like me, and smart, too. He was thoroughly impressed by my choice of transportation (we travelled in Ferry after breakfast because Morgan had a date with a song) and my career. He actually said 'I think I love you' after we decided to jam in the studio for a while (me on violin, of course).

If you know me really well, you know I've had problems with men in my life. Hopefully there will me no problems. I hope I can be a happy tree with this new leaf having turned over. Figuratively, of course :)

Claire S.

PS yes, I love Adrian Wait, despite his overall darkness and unpopularity.

Friday, October 12, 2012

I'm Alive!!


So I have been neglecting... well, the Internet, really. I'm never on Twitter, haven't posted here in two months, and Facebook is, well, a mess anyway with all the app feeds, haha!

I have actually gotten emails from people asking if I'm okay or even alive (though if I was dead I don't know why you would email me...), and the answer is yes! Obviously, since I'm blogging...

I don't know, lately the last few months have really made my depression show. I've been unsure of stuff and made this exact face, :/ a lot. I think Ferry is the same because he's been having problems lately too. But, of course, with 2 kilometers of mile in him, any minor problem pretty much means disassembling the car.

I am just guessing, I can't stand waiting in automotive waiting rooms. I'd rather walk around town than do that, which is what I mostly did.

I've also been less active, which given my profession can be bad. Thankfully, all I eat is sandwiches and calorie equivalent foods (which is sad because I'm a good chef), so it wasn't much of an issue :)

But yeah, I'm okay, just... depressed. I talked to my mom about it and she said it could be due to either being away from home and close friends or the seasons. I'll blame both, but I hope it's not the last one. I have a close friend with a seasonal condition where he gets "bored yet lazy and can't find any kind of motivation for anything." :/

Claire S.

PS: I'll leave on a happy note.


(supposed to be a smiley over an eighth note)