Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Hi guys!

So in my last blog post I told you that I was going to answer sex and sexual questions you had for me. I have gotten a lot of questions on Facebook, instant messages, email, and in person about sex and me, so I thought I would answer some of them.

To start, I know that in an earlier post I said that I have been deathly afraid of sex since 16 and almost never do it. I probably should have been more specific, as I was talking about straight vaginal sex, not anything else. To be honest I am actually fairly active sexually, but that will be expanded later on. Now, on to the questions! Oh, and because I know some of you will not believe some of my answers, I will tell you this now: I am being completely, 100% honest. When it comes to sex, I am a mega-weirdo.

Q: What do you consider sex?
A: I see it as any sort of sexual activity involving genitalia. However, things like kissing, hugging, and cuddling are not.

Q: What is your favorite position?
A: I get this so many times it is not even funny. Normally I jokingly say 'anything', but really I actually do not really know if it has a word, at least in English. I also do not really know how to describe it.

Q: How often do you have sex?
A: if we include masturbation, every day. If not, MAYBE once every few months.

Q: Girls or boys?
A: both :) They each have something different to offer!

Q: Why do you like sex so much?
A: Aside from the incredible health and mental benefits? It is fun and is the source of life :)

Q: What is your favorite fetish?
A: The better question is what fetish do I hate, because that is a much shorter list. Anything with severe pain and exploiting people I really wish did not exist. But, I know that this industry is all about pleasure, so I guess if that works it has to be.

Q: What do you think of masterbation?
A: I do not know if I could live without it.

Q: Ever make a sex tape?
A: NO. Never!

Q: Where do you watch porn?
A: Mostly around my house, but sometimes on my iPhone or iPad if I am travelling :) If you mean format, then usually DVD and online. And, because I know how bad the industry can be, I try to stay away from free sites. I know that most of them are safe, but I would much rather support the artist. And yes, pornography is an art. So is eroticism.

Q: How much of your HDD is sexual content?
A: I would need to add them all up, but easily 100+GB.

Q: How do you know so much about the adult industry?
A: I know I never show it, but I do know a LOT about the industry. As a model, I tend to make a lot of friends in the industry in my travels, and they tell me about what they do. Really, if you ever meet a girl working in the industry, listen to what she has to say. But, the best source I have of both the best and worst of the industry is my sister, Vanessa. She was a porn star and erotic model, and saw everything from being able to live in a beachside 3-story house and drive a Bentley to being mocked, beaten, raped, and misused.

Q: You're a pretty girl, but do you ever worry about someone sexually assaulting you?
A: Not anymore. Very briefly as I hate talking about it, I was raped by my best friend's brother. After that, not only did he serve time in prison, but I am now fully qualified to carry a concealed Colt .45 and can legally use it in cases of extreme attacks, such as rape, as long as it can be proven. I also learned basic martial arts and know how to keep myself safe.

Q: What music do you listen to?
A: I know, normally this would not belong in a post like this, but for me it does. The background music for erotic and some pornographic films is really good :)

Q: What is the hottest thing you can imagine?
A: Two redhead girls making out. So hot.

Q: How loud are you in bed?
A: As with any woman, it depends on what is going on. Calm, slow sex is actually a really good way to make me fall asleep. Rough, fast sex does just the opposite.

Q: Why did you do this?
A: I thought it would be fun and interesting :)

So there you go. Everything you may have never wanted to know about me :) There were more questions, but I am less comfortable answering them. Please, if you have any more questions, there is a comment section :)


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