I stole Morgan's camera ;-)
YES! As you can imagine, I am making music! On my piano, to be exact. Well, keyboard, because I don't have room for an actual piano. And yes, I am in fact up at the time of posting, so sorry if I make no sense.
Actually, you won't have to worry about that, because I totally forgot what this post was going to be about. Why am I even blogging? Maybe I should vlog...
So what was I talking about? Oh yeah, nothing.
Ok, I'll pose a question: If you play an instrument (well even if you don't), what's your favorite instrument?
Claire S.
PS - I've been asked to translate my posts because, well, some of my friends don't know English. Sometimes having friends in places like Russia and Greece is bad. So, if you need translations, I recommend Google :)
http://translate.google.com/ can translate into whatever language you want!
Spanish: se puede traducir en cualquier idioma que quieras!
Croatian: moze prevesti na jezik sto zelite!
Czech: lze prelozit do jakehokoli jazyka chcete!
German: kann in das, was von Ihnen gewunschte Sprache zu ubersetzen!
Italian: si puo tradurre in qualsiasi lingua che vuoi!
Russian: можно перевести на любой язык вы хотите!
Greek: μπορεί να μεταφραστεί σε οποιαδήποτε γλώσσα θέλετε!
Slovak: mozno prelozit do akehokolvek jazyka chcete!
Swedish: kan aversatta till vilket sprak du vill!
Too bad I only know a couple of those languages. But, I think I covered everyone!! haha!
Oh, and PPS: This is just possibly interesting to anyone who doesn't know, my actual name (Veronica, not sure why people call me Claire, but now I do so it's ok) is pronounced Weronica. ;-)