On July 16, or sometime around then, I plan on moving to Europe. I've wanted to go for a while, actually. I'm thinking of using a past idea and just stay there when my family goes on vacation.
The date is relevant because that's Morgan's birthday, when she turns 18. I'm older by 7 months ;-) She wants to go with me. We've talked about it between not only ourselves, but with her parents, too. Everyone is okay with it!
Even though I've already started looking, I'm going to stay at a friend's house in Prague until I get a house. My parents said I can keep all of my money (which still leaves them with more than enough to live luxuriously for the rest of their lives), so I don't need a job immediately, but having one would be nice. I'm looking to live either in Germany, Prague, or Italy, the last two are at the top of my list though because I can't speak German. I'm mainly looking in Italy, though, because it's both the easiest language and I have a lot of friends there.
I have a lot of moral support in Europe, west Asia, and north Africa, due to all the friends I've made, most of which live in central Europe.
The only problem I have is trying to move all of my stuff across an ocean. I've talked to various people and I have two options: air or sea. I'm thinking air because it's faster, but I also have two cars, a whole music studio, and my bedroom to move. The good thing is that I don't have much: In my bedroom I have a bed, dresser, a chair, nightstand, and stuff in my closet. That's it. My studio has a lot in it, but it can probably pack up small considering most of it is kinda attached to the house (like, say, soundproofing, lighting, and recording booths).
Morgan is about the same, but only 1 car and a photography studio, which is really small. She doesn't really have her own bedroom even, considering she usually sleeps with me.
I think that, aside from things that happen when we move (exchange currency, ID's, things like that), I'm set. I've already packed the non-essentials, which includes a lot of my studio.
I just hope I'm ready for this...